5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Wardrobe

Home Fashion Tips 5 Signs It’s Time To Upgrade Your Wardrobe

There comes a time when every bloke needs an upgrade to the wardrobe. We know what you’re thinking – the time and money you’ve spent getting your suits might make them hard to part with, and who wants to take time out of their day to go shopping when there are a dozen other things you could be doing? That may be true, but how you look matters so you’re going to need to invest some time (and money) into that. Think about this while you stand in front of your wardrobe. Soak in the moment and look at your spread of suits, dress shirts, work pants, and ties. Do any of these signs apply to you?

You don’t feel like yourself in them anymore

People go through many changes in their lives. Your body can change on the outside. That effortless, flat tummy can become a dad bod in months or the reverse may be true (in an ideal world) – that hard slog at the gym may have changed you in wonderful ways. When your physical appearance changes, it can change the way you feel inside too. You may look at your wardrobe and have to think long and hard about the clothes you want to wear – nothing seems to be quite right anymore? That’s a good indication that it’s time.

You found a new job!

If it’s your first job, then you need to look your part. Maybe you want people to look beyond your clothes and value you as a person. In real life, this is hardly the case. Think about this, who would you rather take any advice from – A sloppy dresser with coffee stains on his tie or a man dressed in a sharp well-crafted suit? The stereotypes of what a well-dressed man (or woman) is worth, are often based on that grain of truth. On another note, if you win a promotion to that corner office then the work wardrobe from the day before may not make the impact you want to. Besides, what good is a promotion if you can flaunt it a little by splurging on some new sexy suits.

Your plan A-B-C shirt is frayed
We understand that men can be emotionally attached to certain pieces of clothing. There might be that lucky tie, that jacket in that shade of blue that brings out your eyes, or that shirt that accentuates your pecs. Your trusty shirt that got you through every job or every merger will not have the same effect if it’s tired, frayed, discoloured or even worse – torn. It’s time to throw out the old and bring in the new.

Your pants have holes in them
Speaking of torn clothes, you may not have even noticed the holes in your trusty dress pants! Daily wear could have made a tiny rip you missed. Or how about the worn out pockets from which you mysteriously lose loose change? If these are most of the dress pants you own, then it is certainly time to make room for some new pants.

You wear the same suit for all occasions
It doesn’t matter how nice your suit is, you can’t wear your work suits to weddings, funerals and bar mitzvahs too. Suits used daily will wear; the crotch wears out, the knees and perhaps the lapel gets shiny, and the suit just doesn’t look as crisp as it did when you bought it. So if you wear suits suits to work, make sure you have a separate suit (or two) for special occasions. Women don’t wear their work wear to weddings and neither should men!

Work Wardrobe Guidelines
Wondering where to begin when building a new wardrobe? Here are some tips to get you started.

Make sure your new wardrobe is interchangeable. You don’t have to buy expensive clothing to look good. A good tailor can give you sartorial sorcery and it doesn’t have to break the bank. Math is your friend – think about it – the permutation and combination of just three suits, six shirts and two pairs of shoes gives you 36 different outfits. (3x6x2=36) Get a couple of vests with that and you’ve got 108 different combinations!

Give it time. Although you can, you don’t have to build your wardrobe in a day. Assemble it piece by piece and complement it with your style as it evolves over the years.

Let the pros help. See a stylist or tailor help you build your wardrobe. They can help you select the right colours, fabrics, and styles that will enable you to get the most of your suits. Need some guidance? Book an appointment with The Suit Concierge to discuss how you can best upgrade your wardrobe.

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